Monday, November 24, 2014

Child Conferencing

This interview was between Child S.C and Rachel Silva.
1.   How old are you?
·         “I am three.”
2.    What do you like about your classroom?
·         “Ms. N gives a hug.”
3.   What do you not like about your classroom?
·         “Numbers.”
4.   Where do you like to play in the classroom?
·         “I like fire trucks.”
5.   Where do you play in the playground?
·         “Blue bike.”
6.   What do you want to play with the most in child-care?
·         “Bike, I like the blue bike blue.”
7.   What is missing in your child-care?
·         “A snowman.”
8.   Where do you play with your friends in the classroom?
·         “Child A. Drama Centre.”
9.   Where do you want to go with your Teacher?
·         “McDonalds.”
10.  What do you need in your classroom?
·         “More toys.”

Our interpretation:   

1.   What has been confirmed by the children using the tool?
·      It appears that Child S.C would like more materials in the classroom to further explore her knowledge. Perhaps providing natural materials would be beneficial for the children due to the lack of natural materials provided. 
2.    What new information has this given us?
·     Based on our observations, we have noticed worksheets completed by children on the display boards. By reviewing the child's response to our interview questions, it appears they may not be interested in "Numbers." This could potentially be due to the fact they are required to do worksheets, when they could be learning with more of a hands-on approach, (counting by using loose parts, exploring in the outdoor environment and implementing materials that are within the child's interest). 

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